Can you tell us a little about you?
I am retired, live and travel nationally and internationally with my dog Twix. I am an avid backpacker having just backpacked the Inca Trail in Peru and I enjoy my trips to Europe. Twix and I travel around the USA in my truck and trailer photographing models and doing significant nature photography. As a career, I am a retired Judge and was an international thoroughbred horse breeder and racer for over 30 years.
How and whendid you get intophotography?
I began my photography journey when I was fourteen years old using my fathers old second hand Leica rangefinder. Of course, it was film back then and not having much money for developing, you had to learn patience and thoughtful consideration of your exposure triangle.
I carried that camera everywhere and took photographs of everything. Around age 21, I was fortunate to have it with me while crossing a bridge in Florida and snapped a photo of a bridge that disappearred in heavy fog. I entered that photo in a regional annual photo contest sponsored by Kodak. It won the Landscape Division, and it won the overall Grand Award over all Divisions. The Grand Award winner received an invitation to the Kodak International Contest. There I won Honerable Mention in Landscape. It’s the only photograhic contest that I’ve ever entered.
What doesphotographymean to you?
Photography is an emotion thing for me. I am capturing a particular person or thing and recording it for history, or for memories. Looking at my photos, no matter now old or new, they take me back to that point in time with all the emotions and energy that was present. When I receive a comment from a viewer and they say your photograph evoked whatever emotion out of them, out of their being, this is the highest compliment that I can receive.
Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.
I enjoy all genre of photography, but I will limit my answer to model shoots. My personal style that I enjoy most is portriture of models. I consentrate on the eyes and attempt to always shoot them pin sharp. I enjoy working with models with expressive eyes that know how to use them to convey an emotion or thought for the viewer. I usually will shoot waist up, chest up or neck up. I prefer shooting in black and white, although sometimes color is the correct exposure for the photographic situation. Empowering the female form in black and white, or color, with the curves, shadows, contrast and expressive eyes is what I enjoy to shoot, that is my art.
Where do you getinspirationfrom?
My insipration comes from a variety of sources throughout history to present day. The archiological figurines thousands of years old depicting the female form, visiting museums such as the Louvre, d’Orsay, Museo Larco, ancient Greek and Roman Sculptors, the masterpieces paintings of Seurat, Rembrandt, Monet, Picasso, Degas, Da Vinci, photographors like Lindbergh, Penn, Leibovitz, Karsh, YouTube channels such as Peter Coulson, Peter Hurley and photography philosophy of Alex Kilbee, and so many others. Inspiration from Nature, everything and everywhere.
Do you think in advance what you want in the picture?
Absolutely! I communicate with the model in advance to creat a mood/shoot board. I find that this engages the thought process for the model and the photographer to have a beginning concept of the overall mood of the shoot.
Studio, on location or both?
I recently sold my studio, so now I shoot on location. As I travel nationally and internationally, I search for hotels and villas with unique charm and décor. Likewise, if shooting outdoors, I search for interesting backgrounds, and for any in focus areas, I look for areas or objects to accompany and give support to the model if the shot necessitates it.
Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?
I am more of a lifelong hobbyist. Although I frequently have paid engagements, now I would rather do free photo sessions for any level of model to help with their portfolio book. At this point in my life, it is more satisfying to help someone instead of charging them.
What has been your most memorable session and why?
Every one! Each model is different and each shoot has different energy. I gave considerable thought to this question and my mind took me through sessions that were recent and far in the past, each was gratifying, fun and memorable.
Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?
I was a lifelong user of Nikon until 6 years ago and now fully use the Sony platform. I have many favourite lens depending on the shoot parameters. For portraiture I will normally use the Sony 24-70mm to give me a bit of flexibility in cropping in the camera. Also, I often use a Sony 135mm and the Sony 70-200mm.
What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?
Photography was not my career, however the advice that I would give is to take your camera out and go take hundreds of photos of all genre. Experiment with motion, light, colour and black and white. Review the great masters of Art throughout the centuries from all aspects, master painters, sculptures, as well as the great photographers. Study their composition and use of light. As you view each of these sources, contemplate what is the story it conveys to you. Learn how to tell a story with your photographic art.
Whatdo you think ofour newmagazine?
What struck me first about this magazine was the polished professional appearance. From the layout to the content, top to bottom, everything appears professionally produced. Additionally, the far reaching exposure of the magazine is incredible. I was honored when I was approached to be included among so many talented photographic artists.