Great Falls Tribune from Great Falls, Montana (2024)

Sunday, July lfl, 1072 Orat Fall Tribune 25 To Stabilize Leather, Shoe Prices People in the News Reds Claim U.S. Bombs Kill POWs Export of Cattle Hides Limited WASHINGTON (AIM The i reduce shoe or meat nrices in on to either cattlemen or to Nixon administration put a ceil-' iic United States thouah he in the form of lower now; mm I AP) Julie Wiiniliowcr lias viral pneumonia, The Western White Howe at Sun L'lwnwitc, announced Uiut Flrnt Lady lat Nixon flew to Jacksonville, to be with Julie, wife of Navy KiihIkh Duvld I'llwuhower. Press secretary llormld Zleglcr suid Julie, 24, had been suffering from the flu and llio Illness developed Into a viral Infection in the lower lobe of her lunfi. ZleKr suid doctors say Julie will not huve to bo hospitalized. Itep.

Roman Puciaskl, has asked the daughter of meat prices. ing on exports of U.S. cattle! hides Saturday in a move to portrayed costs to the con- American than 2H) Viet Cong says that bombs killed more umer as owi-r on these items curb mounting mice nressures1' Smith Vii'tniimem- rn'isoncrs of SlfVtoKriUJ? leather lhan they would be without the A broadcast said on July 5 and I)roram bcin8 imIr(l- 6 U.S. H.12 bombers hit Hill iHi, Secretary of Commerce Peter Aides said shoes already Canadian Held On Hijacking Statement Count I I I (J. Peterson near Nc Mai, Willi Ions ol ami- "lu have climbed 1 ncr cent since! January and were projected fori personnel Domns, Killing me ui-mmm vim POWs whom the Viet Cong had bide prices to record moved there.

Mvb, announced at a news eon- Another Vict Cong broadcast ference that: claimed that of 700 South Viet- -Klfective midnight, ship-names! allegedly captured in tnents abroad of U.S. cattle another 3 to 10 per cent increase by this fall if there were DFWElt (AP) An Ed-no hold on hide price rises. jniopiim, Alberta man identified "We believe it will result in a as Jai Day, 49, identified 8s a FBI Praised for Action In Hijacking Incidents Sen. Perry to help him unseal her father in the November election. who Is challenging Percy for the Senate seat, wrote Mrs.

Sharon Rockefeller, who participated in the Dennx'ratic fund-raising telethon July 89, that lm read with great Interest, that she will be working to pul a Democrat in the While House this fall. And Pucinski said he would be most grateful for whatever assistance she could give him in his campaign. Sharon Is married to John I). KockefelliT IV, secretary of stale of West Virginia, who is the Democratic candidate for governor. The Kev.

Mike ('ruin, who says he can shatter a 300-pmnd block of ice with his hand, recommends karate as a help in warding off sin. "Karate is something you really have lo work al if you waul lo do it well. Likewise, you have to make a real ellort if you want lo be a good Christian," said Crain, who organized a week-long Judo and Karate for Christ Camp, which just ended at Brownsville, Ky. Kddie MeCann of Florence, had a bad week. First, he sulfered minor injuries alter being hit by a car while taking a bath.

Police quoted Gary Tildwell, 20, of Coolidge, driver of the car, as saying his car crashed into tlie wall of McCann's bathroom after he suffered an epileptic seizure. While McCann was reciierating in a hospital, burglars broke into his store. Spiro Agncw says if he decides to seek reelection as vice president it will mean he is keeping open his options for an eventual bid for the presidency, In a copyright story in the Manchester, N.H., Union Leader, Agncw indicated that President Nixon had not yet advised him whether he would ask Agncw to be his running mate. ransom thus far this year have the battle fir An 1-oc, DO miles hides will be limited to last 'unm" writer and narrator for the Ca-north of Saigon, 300 volunteered year's already-high export level shocs' na(jan Broadcasting System, for Viet Cong duty in the Hinh of Hi million hides. f)PL'lsc fKure- was arrested by FBI agcnU Long area and the other 400 -To carry out the I'elerson set no time limit on Friday night at Stapleton Inter-were freed to return to Uieir export tickets will be issued to program while say- Airport and charced failed.

The persons involved have been arrested, killed or are under the control of a foreign government, he said. homes and families. U.S. cattle bide producers ac- 11 would be "lilted as soon 'with making a false statement Shaffer said that "trying lo cording to their percentages of market conditions warrant. iibnti hijacking.

Mai hide production. Under noted that the export ticket VU officers said Day was a this system, he said, anv finan- i being programmed nassencr on Western Airlines I'ayn in Pennies hijack an aircraft for profit is the world greatest exercise In futility." A Federal Aviation Adminis SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) benefits from selling hides until November to slart with. Flight 003, which wai scheduled After months of wrangling with at higher foreign prices will bej Peterson said the Internal to leave Denver at 7:10 p.m. the government over back retained by U.S.

cattle produc- Revenue Service will be asked for Calgary, taxes, Larry Hermone finallyjers and consumers. to keep close watch on U.S. is to appear before a paid off the $2,500 he owed in Peterson declined to predict producers to make sure they; U.S. magistrate Monday, FBI pennies. flatly that the new effort will pass revenues from the tickets agents said.

tration summary of hijacking extortions showed 19 attempts WASHINGTON (AP) John II. Shaffer, Federal Aviation administrator, gave special praise Saturday to the FBI for its handling of hijacking incidents. "FBI agents on the scene have had lo make some extremely difficult decisions in which the dangers of taking positive action with regard to the safety of hostages had to be balanced against the dangers of non-action," Shaffer said. "I believe they have met this challenge In a mature and responsible way in avoiding the use of excessive force in all cases, and preserving lives of a significant number of innocent people in the process." Shaffer, in a summary of recent developments, said all 16 attempts to hijack aircraft for since last fall. Of $7,712,100 paid out In ransom money, all but $503,000 has been recovered, the FAA said.

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Great Falls Tribune from Great Falls, Montana (2024)


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.